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Bundoora Park warm season grasses

Warm season grasses at Bundoora Park keep the golf course in healthy playing condition year round.
Bundoora Park is a large public open space managed by the City of Darebin, featuring an 18-hole golf course, picnic areas, a children’s playgrounds, an educational urban farm and wildlife park, community garden, historical building, wetlands and an abundance of native flora and fauna. The park also contains one of the largest remnant Red Gum Grassy Woodlands in metropolitan (urban) Melbourne.
The Bundoora Park golf course is irrigated with wetland-filtered stormwater stored in the Bundoora Park Dam, ensuring that no potable (drinking water) is needed to irrigate the course, and keeping the golf course green and healthy year-round. To help reduce the need for irrigation further, the golf course has also been re-sown with warm season grasses that don’t require as much water as cool season grasses to stay green and healthy. Warm season grasses are also able to survive, and even thrive, on sporadic summer rainfall. Examples of warm season grasses include Couch grass (Cynodon dactylon), Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum).
- Less water is required to keep the golf course green and healthy
- Golf courses are kept in good playing condition year round