Urban Design
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High Street Northcote Tree Pits

Tree pits in High Street, Northcote help to use up, filter and clean stormwater before it enters the Merri Creek.
Northcote’s High Street is a bustling main road with a vibrant collection of shops, restaurants and bars stretching along both sides. In 2012, concerns were raised regarding the health and safety of the old street trees that were growing in planter boxes along High Street. In 2013, these old trees and planter boxes were replaced with younger trees in specially designed tree pits that help treat stormwater.
There are now 27 tree pits lining High Street in Northcote, from Westgarth Village to the corner of Separation Street. Not only do these tree pits support street trees to grow for a longer period of time than planter boxes, they also help to filter and clean stormwater before it enters the Merri Creek.
Untreated stormwater from the road surface, footpath and gutters along this stretch of Northcote previously flowed straight into the Merri Creek through stormwater pipes. The tree pits help to remove contaminants such as oils, chemicals, detergents and plastics from the stormwater, before it enters the creek. This benefits the plants and animals that live in and around the creek and promotes better water quality downstream in the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay.
- Less stormwater entering the Merri Creek.
- Cleaner stormwater entering the Merri Creek.
- Slowed flow of stormwater entering the Merri Creek, reducing the risk of erosion (loosening of soil from creek banks).
- Less potable (drinking) water needed to irrigate (water) the street trees in Northcote.
- An attractive, shady and green streetscape for the community and visitors.