Urban Design
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Leamington Street Wetland
The Leamington Street Wetland helps improve water quality in Edwardes Lake and Edgars Creek. It is home to many aquatic plants and animals.
The Leamington Street Wetland (also known as Edgars Creek Wetland) is located just to the northeast of Edwardes Lake, across Leamington Street. It is a type of wetland known as a sediment basin, because it allows the flow of water to slow right down so that sediments (silt, soil and other small particles floating in the water) can settle to the bottom, leaving the water cleaner.
Sediment basins are an important method of improving the quality of stormwater entering our waterways. Stormwater is rainwater that flows over the hard surfaces of a city, such as roofs, roads, footpaths and gutters. It can often pick up and carry pieces of litter, silt, oil, chemicals and pollutants with it. If stormwater is not filtered, these pollutants end up in our lakes and creeks where they can harm aquatic wildlife.
Sediment basins also help to slow the flow of stormwater into waterways, reducing the risk of erosion (loosening of soil) on creek and lake banks, which can affect water quality and wash plants away.
The Leamington Street wetland is an ephemeral wetland, meaning it can be dry for many months of the year. It has been built around Edgars Creek, upstream of Edwardes Lake. It is known as a Plains Sedgy Wetland. Sedges are grass-like plants that prefer wet soil and grow well in wetlands, or along creeks and rivers.
Stormwater from the neighbourhoods and industrial areas of Reservoir flow into Edgars Creek, through the wetland and into Edwardes Lake. From Edwardes Lake, Edgars Creek flows on into the Merri Creek, which eventually joins the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay.
- Cleaner water entering Edwardes Lake and Edgars Creek
- Less stormwater entering Edwardes Lake and Edgars Creek, reducing flooding risks
- Slowed flow of stormwater entering Edwardes Lake and Edgars Creek, reducing erosion
- Increase biodiversity (range of plants and animals in an area)
- Pleasant green space for the community to enjoy